Ben Valenzuela - 1x Champion
Brendan Hurley
Evan Simmons
Graham Simmons 2x Champion
Griffin Hunter 2x Champion
Griffin Springfield 5x Champion
Jason Gregory 2x Champion
Kasey Luna
Ken Cook
Luke Evans
Sam Singer 2x Champion
Thomas Wright 2x Champion

Ben Valenzuela - EST 2008

A man with many an Alias - Mr. Ben Valenzuela, our 'Flying Cuban' - has shone bright in the league since year one. A player of few words, (unless a swamp needs drained), Ben is a perennial threat to take home the trophy. With a title to his name and a lifetime scoring average ranking 2nd league-wide, he is always knocking on the door. As a long time basketball coach, Mr. Valenzuela drafts with a confidence in his guys that only a leader of men could have. He's never seen a Joe Flacco he didn't like. But more than anything, Ben is a waiver wire pest. His shrewd moves often put his teams in a position to fly - as Party Ben once did - like a G6. While that version has been put to pasture, our current Ben has never been more pasteurized. Life has taken him from CA to Wisconsin, a chance to lay roots and inject Packers blood into his son Josiah. Will the change in scenery result in fantasy glory? Only time will tell. Ben is a doting father, fierce competitor, and consummate fantasy pro - the league stands lucky to have him.

Brendan Hurley - EST 2008

Hailing from just outside of Boston, Massachusetts, father to Caleb, and often mistaken for "that guy from the Town," this league OG brings both toughness and stubbornness to his squad. He'll raise a bid on Aaron Rodgers from 3 bucks to 40.. Just to make a point. A true legend and amazingly, still undefeated. He's knocked on the door - most notably as General Crixus, leading his offensive juggernaut, "The Gauls," to a scoring title. Unlike the ride of many of his home sports teams, Brendan has dealt with fantasy turbulence over the years - both on and off the field. But he's back, and we're better for it - the league isn't the same without him. 2023 brings another opportunity for glory with Lit Adventures

Evan Simmons - EST 2018

Hailing under the moniker of the "Blunted Bandit," Evan made his grand entrance upon the stage in 2018, swiftly amassing two playoff appearances that rival or even surpass the achievements of some who have graced our league for over a decade. Nevertheless, as the tides of time carry him into 2023, he finds himself burdened by the weight of disappointment, his record tarnished by a disheartening 5-9 performance in 2022. However, the year 2021 bore witness to an astonishing revelation, one that shall echo through the ages like the thunderous clamor of dragons in flight. For within that fateful draft, Evan, that audacious soul, laid claim to a gem of unparalleled worth, a Cooper Kupp, who soared to heights beyond mortal reckoning with over 1900 yards and 16 touchdowns, all for a paltry sum of $14. Verily, it was a bargain of mythical proportions. He ventured forth and, in a stroke of brilliance, secured the services of Ja'Marr Chase for a mere $7, reaping bountiful rewards as the latter soared to over 1400 yards and securing The Blunted Bandit his 2nd playoff appearance. Alas, though Evan showed glimpses of true championship-level acumen, shadows veiled his path in 2022. In his moments of folly, he succumbed to the allure of temptation and traded away the league's eventual leading rusher. He wielded his coin unwisely, parting with a hefty sum of $36 for the tenth-ranked quarterback, a decision that would raise eyebrows even amongst the Charger faithful. And in years past, a staggering $57 was squandered on a 2019 Le'Veon Bell (possibly the difference between his 3rd place finish and a 1st place finish), who was donning the colors of the hapless NYJ. Such is the way of the "Blunted Bandit,", for he oscillates between brilliance and blunders, leaving the realm in perpetual wonderment, unsure of what the morrow will unveil. Yet one unassailable truth endures—in but a fleeting span, he has proven himself a formidable contender, a warrior of note, his prowess shining brightly amid our ranks.

Graham Simmons - EST 2008

Behold, the eminent commissioner of our sacred league, a man to whom we owe the very words you now peruse. The founding father of FF Til' Death, his name needs no formal introduction, yet here it is, bestowed upon him once more. Emerging from the shadows of an uneventful 2022, Graham fixes his gaze upon a second FF Til' Death crown. The passage of time has been unkind to our revered commissioner, for since the fateful year of 2009 when he last hoisted the coveted championship trophy, the path he has treaded has been fraught with darkness. The years since 2010 have seen a mere three playoff appearances, and a prolonged drought from 2013 to 2020 saw him locked out of our coveted playoffs. But amidst the gloom, a glimmer of hope persists for the architect of our league's foundation. A beacon of wisdom, Graham contemplates the future with sagacity, seeking to trust his draft-day decisions and set forth on a path that may lead him back to the pinnacle of our noble sport. The echoes of the past reverberate, and the haunting memory of a reactionary trade involving Derrick Henry lingers, a trade that, had it been otherwise, might have ushered him back into the playoffs in 2022. To reclaim his erstwhile glory, he must journey back to the days of yore, when he possessed the acumen to select a budding young talent, Patrick Mahomes, in his inaugural year as a starter. Oh, how the ninth round bore witness to this fateful choice, and thus did the prodigious quarterback ascend to lofty heights, flinging fifty touchdowns in the hallowed season of 2018. And lo, let us not forget the resplendent banner of his team, "Arid; Son of Drought," a legendary title that echoes through the annals of league history. Can he, in the twilight of uncertainty, break free from the encircling shadows, or shall he stumble and be relegated to the ranks of mere "Honorable Mention"? Destiny weaves its capricious threads, and only time shall reveal the outcome. Yet, if I were to venture a guess, my purse would wager upon Sideshow Bob's triumphant resurgence, beckoning him to the coveted playoffs in the unfolding saga of 2023.

Griffin Hunter - EST 2008

Self proclaimed, as the "King of the North," Griffin Hunter has been a prominent house and figurehead of the league since the days of the first men. While most league members learned the nuance of fantasy football while ignoring college homework, Mr. Hunter was the first and only High School champion. Brash in nature, and dripping with confidence - (I mean, the guy's never missed) - Griffin's year one title set in motion a fantasy force not unlike the juggernaut. With a genuine love of sports and a high football IQ, this Packers diehard is a threat to win every year. He possesses elite drafting abilities and even better trash talking. Though he's battled through some heart wrenching losses over the years, KOTN flashes a fantasy resume with two rings and four scoring titles. A fierce, fun-loving competitor, Griffin helps elevate the league. "If you're not in top shape, you're shitty."

Griffin Springfield - EST 2008

Big Trip to many, King James to some, Mr. Springfield rides hard for his city of the O where the palm trees grow. Humble in his roots, Griffin loves the simplicity of paying the iron price and feasting on a cali burrito. Few then could have predicted the level of royalty that lay in his future, that his name would become synonymous with one thing - winning. His first 8 seasons brought one ring, a feat most would deem an achievement. But over the course of the 2016-2020 seasons the league witnessed a level of success hitherto undreamt of. Trip hit the Hyphy Mud and turned up on the rest of the league. Four titles in the span of 5 years, including an unprecedented 3peat from 2016-2018. In a league full of top notch talent, Griffin's five rings stand a monumental task for any to challenge. A founding member of the league, life has taken Grif all over the country these past 15 years. He currently hangs banners in Berkeley, Virginia, Del Mar, Cardiff, and LA. A lifelong Raiders fan, Big Trip utilizes his extensive football knowledge to carefully craft his fantasy teams. He's steadfast, convicted, and often sees his patience pay off. A doting father, and loyal friend, Big Grif is an incredible representation of the league. And while 5 rings is nice, 6 rings is better. Can the league delay the inevitable??

Jason Gregory - EST 2010

A chance encounter through Chapman's Pi Kappa Alpha in the Spring of 2009 left Jason Gregory inextricably linked to his future college tribe, the shire. It was through these bonds Mr. Gregory, more affectionately referred to simply as 'J,' learned of the giant that is FFTilDeath. J, the pride of Thousand Oaks and a Titan of sport within his fumigated high school friend group, was a natural fit for the league. Unfortunately, space was unavailable. But, as we know, Chaos is a ladder, and the misfortune of some often leads to opportunity for others. Thus, in 2010, when chance presented itself, the Game of J's was born. Enter Jason. Loaded with fantasy intel and a fierce desire to succeed, J came out the the gates hot to the tune of two titles in his first 6 seasons. When engaged, Mr. Gregory presents himself as a high level threat. He's highly knowledgeable and able to acutely track statistical patterns. Fortunately for the league, J has thus far been unable to master the art of the trade - frequently leaving his league mates in a state of bewilderment after reviewing his offers. J stands tall as Izzy's Dad, and looks to rebound in his second year of fatherhood. Cheers to many more seasons with this kind soul and loving family man.

Kasey Luna - EST 2021

Amidst the hallowed halls of our legendary league, Kasey emerges as the newest contender, entwined in a tale of two intriguing years. When the shadows of 2021's draft day loomed, a founding member chose self-imposed exile, leaving the rest of us, mere eleven souls, to grapple for a replacement. In the eleventh hour, Kasey Luna stepped forth, ensuring that the draft unfurled as scheduled, sparing our much-anticipated weekend from ruin. Yet, the trials of a nascent journey proved taxing, as the first year yielded a lackluster 4-10 record. However, with the dawn of 2022, Kasey, armed with ample time for preparation, attained the coveted position in the playoffs, culminating in a commendable 3rd place finish. As our league embraces its newest member, we eagerly await the spectacle of Kasey's bidding frenzy, his auction dollars no doubt destined to be spent lavishly within the first ten picks of each draft year. With but a mere two years into his journey, the enigma of Kasey's fate in year three remains veiled in uncertainty. Will he ascend with each passing season, scaling greater heights, or shall he suffer the same ignoble fate that befell him in his first year? Amidst these whispers, one truth stands resolute - the unwavering appreciation we bear for the unyielding resolve he displayed on that momentous draft day of 2021.

Ken Cook - EST 2008

Kendall Cook, known by myriad monikers such as Space Ken, Space Gary, Mad Ken, Space Kevin, Kevin, Kevo, and Gary, has traversed a winding path of evolution. Amongst his feats, Space Ken boasts the dubious honor of clinching the "lowest scorer" title on four occasions since 2010. Yet, the tides of fate have been kinder to him in recent times, for he has not been burdened with that ignominious mantle since the year of 2018. Two playoff berths in over a decade will not sate his hunger; he yearns for a third, coupled with that elusive championship, a treasure he has yet to grasp. Ah, the whims of destiny! A fickle mistress she is, as evidenced by last year's trials. Hindered by the burden of the league's harshest schedule, Space Ken's chances at the playoffs were thwarted, though a close examination reveals that without such a cruel twist, he might have seen the postseason and thrived therein. Alas, in the realm of fantasy football, fairness is a rare commodity, and we, the players of this game, have all tasted the bitterness of such truth at some point. Shall we bear witness to the echoes of 2010, where Space Gary's squad sank to the lowest depths, etching their name in league history with the most meager point total in FF Til' Death history? Or perchance, the ever-tenacious Kevo, his spirit rekindled, the trash-talking initiator who wields Excel spreadsheets with unfettered zeal, shall grace the field? As the 2023 season looms ahead, the veil of destiny shrouds Mad Ken's fate, leaving it open to the musings of all who dare to wonder. However, amidst the uncertainties, one undeniable truth emerges—Ken's admirable care for his friends and the league, we are lucky to have him.

Luke Evan - EST 2008

A cornerstone of our distinguished league's origins, Luke has etched his name into the annals of legend, a luminary figure whose presence spans the sands of time. His fame, however, does not stem from the prowess he wields in the realm of fantasy football; rather, it is grounded in his status as an indisputable icon, reigning supreme as a professional basketball virtuoso in the distant lands of Japan. His stature casts a colossal shadow—one some dare to label as "Gigantic in Japan." From 2010 to 2020, Luke Evans found no fortune with any playoff-bound teams, a sight that brought smiles to those in his division year after year. But come 2020, the winds of change swept through as the astute GM, Dom Ho, joined his ranks. A metamorphosis occurred, and in 2021 and 2022, Luke experienced the thrill of playoffs, altering the perception of his presence in the division. No longer a cause for jubilation among opponents, the looming 6'8 figure of Luke Evans now evokes dread. In the 2022 season, fate came knocking at his door, tantalizingly close to a maiden journey to the finals. A mere Denver defense's subpar display, a pathetic -4pt performance, and a woeful showing by Stefon Diggs (worst of his career since 2019) stood between Luke and the elusive final match. Yet, hope burns bright as he, alongside the savvy Dom, strives to ascend their ever-elusive 1st title in 2023.

Sam Singer - EST 2008

In 2008, when the winds of change landed Samuel Joseph in the mean streets of Orange, CA, FFtilDeath was a million miles away. Thoughts of pretty women, Project X recreations, late nights, and good vibes occupied his brain space. Fate had bigger plans for Sam than the rudimentary college experience, and thus it laid the foundation for what would become a most legendary squad - the Shire. In the sacred room of Henley 107, a room Sam himself self-proclaimed as a hub of unsavory paraphernalia, a link was formed with his O'side roommate. A gateway to the new league, and the rest is history. Littleton's finest - Sam is a lover of the outdoors & Denver sports. He's a music enthusiast, and advocate of deep thought. He's Colorado, and he's LaLa. These dynamic complexities have mirrored themselves in fantasy football. He can draft for balance, and he can draft for stars. He can stand pat, and he can execute a trade. Ever hard to predict, Sam has established himself as a perennial contender. With two titles to his name, including back to back championship appearances, our resident Gunslinger has officially put the league on notice. An amazing friend, active league member, and all around man of many talents (including videography for our yearly awards), the league is lucky to have him.

Thomas Wright EST 2008

It was the year 2000. A young Thomas Wright just finished watching his first full season of the NFL. 16 Sundays devoted to watching every minute of his new favorite team - the San Diego Chargers. The Bolts ended the year with a record of 1-15. It was a crash course in the harsh reality of professional sport. So, one might ask, how does a 10 year old continue rooting for the worst team in the league? Destiny? Or, more likely, a curse? Perhaps. But, maybe, it was due to perspective that we all could use more of as adults, perspective brought on only by the naivety of children. Hope. Hope that next time things would be different. Hope that good things are on the way. 23 years later and Thomas is still banging that drum. As both a sports fan and fantasy player, Thomas abides by the same school of thought - Hope springs eternal. Entering his 16th season in FFTilDeath, Thomas looks to further cement his place as one of the leagues' top competitors. After missing the playoffs in 6 of the first 7 seasons, including a 6 year drought from 2009-2014, Mr. Wright has been in the dance 6 out of the last 8 years and now owns two rings. Thomas employs a proactive approach to team management and relies on shrewd decision making to stay competitive throughout the season. No stranger to draft busts, T often finds himself playing from behind, a position he looks to improve on. A faithful member of the league and loving friend to its members, Thomas wishes nothing but encouragement on the FFTilDeath Squad - Stay positive, keep grinding, and have hope.. The pendulum will swing; you will succeed. 2023 brings the opportunity to join rarefied air & title #3. Thomas looks to bring the trophy home to his beautiful wife Jessica and their wily cat Mylah. Good luck and God bless. Hope springs eternal.